Home » » Supergirl Season Premiere 1x01

Supergirl Season Premiere 1x01

I enjoyed this pilot, although it can quickly become annoying in some scenes! The big positives are the actresses Melissa Benoist / SuperGirl and Chyler Leigh / Alex. I'm a fan of those actresses that I get to know as Marley in Glee and as the wonderful Lexie Grey in Grey's Anatomy, they are super endearing. And I have a rant to push! Who had the bright idea to put Lexie Grey / Alex on a plane ??? !!!! You have no heart for us to subject this ?! (If you're a fan of Grey's Anatomy, you will get why I say that).

So SuperGirl costume, I LOVE it! But I do not understand why she wears tights while in the comics she has not! We feel that it is the team of The Flash/Arrow who is behind all this. The episode is constructed in the same manner as the pilot of The Flash! I really hope we will have crossovers! 

The VFX are rather uneven, as the scene of the aircraft is not bad but the scene on Kripton is very poor and it's the same thing for the fighting. The first clash in the central is done well but the second on the road is a disaster! It shows too much that she is attached to a harness when she dodges, it's too slow but she is supposed to be fast! 

An interesting pilot and promises for the future I hope to see improvements for special effects! Really happy to see Chyler Leigh! Although I love her new character, I will always miss Lexie! And after that is better you never enter a plane again, Shonda is everywhere!


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