Hello Guys, here 's Ness! Today you are going to meet someone new, he's name is LaMar Hudson and he's a motivational speaker and a rapper. Let's discover him.
Ness : How are you?
LaMar Hudson : I'm fine, thank you. I appreciate the opportunity.
N: Can you explain us what means motivational speaker?
L: It means to inspire and motivate others to have a positive attitude. Even when facing challenges.
N: How did you find out about this job? What give you want to do this job?
L: I began by being a positive rap artist. It evolved over the years into positive messages and speeches.
N: Do you manage to live with this job?
L: Yes I do. It's amazing to make a career out of something I am passionate about. I'm very thankful.
N: How much money do people in your type of work generally make?
L: It varies greatly. A speaker can make from a few hundred dollars per engagement to many thousands.
N: How is your job affected by the economy?
L: Many schools have limited budgets due to cut backs and that can often prevent them from booking speakers
N: What is your motto?
L: To be as happy as you can, as often as you can... Everyday, all the time.
N: How are you making the world a better place?
L: By inspiring people (especially young people) to realize that positive choices and actions make the world a better place.
N: What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? What is the biggest risk you will ever take?
L: The biggest risk I've ever taken was putting my talent, time, money, and passion into recording my "I Am Who I Am" CD with no guarantee that it will be liked and accepted by those who hear it. At this point, I do not know what my biggest risk ever will be. I look forward to it though :-)
N: If life has meaning, what is it?
L: The meaning of life means different things to different people. For me, it means doing things that makes me happy and bringing happiness to the lives of others.
N: How do people feel when they are around you?
L: Happy, comfortable, and silly. I'm quite the silly character. It puts people at ease.
N: What do you love to do? How does that come out in your speaking?
L: I like fishing, video games, and movies. I often tell life stories in a comical way. I have found that audiences love to laugh.
N: What do you want to accomplish with your speaking? And why?
L: I want to give hope to those who fell hopeless. I want this because the feeling of hopelessness is one of the saddest feelings a person can experience.
N: What would you like an audience to remember about your speech - and you - after you're done?
L: I would like for them to remember that the speech offered practical ideas that they can use to improve their lives, and that I am a speaker who sincerely wishes the best for them.
N: How does your speech help humanity? What are your fears about speaking?
L: My speaking helps humanity by offering goodness that impacts humanity as a whole. My fears are that I'll forget the lyrics while performing a song and that the audience won't laugh at my funny stories.
N: What speakers inspire you, and why?
L: The type of speakers that inspire me are those individuals who have overcome a tragedy in life and share their story. I'm inspired by such people because they are awesome examples of not allowing extreme misfortune to take away your love of life.
N: How do you prepare yourself to speak?
L: I get an understanding of what the client would like in the presentation and incorporate their requests into one of my presentations. Or, tailor a presentation for them.
N: Does your job seem exciting to you?
L: My job is extremely exciting and rewarding! :-)
N: What is the most satisfying thing about your job? Money? Vacations? Co-workers?
L: The most satisfying thing about my job is when people let me know that my presentation resonated with them, and they thank me.
N: Since how long are you interested in rap?
L: Since about the age of 10.
N: Do you consider rap as a genre in it's own right?
L: Absolutely. Rap is a legitimate genre, my friend :-)
N: Who's your favorite rapper? Why?
L: I knew you were going to ask that... LOL... I don't have a specific favorite rap artist because my mood often dictates who I listen to.
N: Which rappers do you think are too publicized?
L: Here, in the Seattle area, the selection of rap that radio stations offer is so limited, it is my opinion that all artists are too publicized.
N: What do you think of Miley Cyrus?
L: I think Miley is cashing in on being "controversial". She has the publicity game all figured out.
N: Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
L: No, but I do respect the show for running for so many years. That is a very rare occurrence, ya know?
N: Yes. Favorite tv shows? Color? Singer? Actor/Actress? Movie?
L: I like "Under the Dome" and "falling skies". My favorite colors are purple and lime green. My favorite singer is Baby face. One of my most favorite movies is Forrest Gump.
N: Thank you, LaMar Hudson for answering to our questions! The interview is done!
L: Thank you as well. I thouroughly enjoyed it. :-)
So here guys, you met LaMar Hudsonn
For the rest you have to trust me...
May the odds be ever in your favor...
You know you love me...
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